proizvajalec led aluminijastega profila

Waterproof LED channel Manufacturer & Supplier in China

Waterproof LED channel Manufacturer & Supplier in China

ekstrudiranje svetlobnega profila led traku

Vodotesen LED kanal je vrsta vodoodpornega, toplotno odpornega in visoko trdnega aluminijastega profila. Uporablja se v LED-lučeh za izdelavo LED-trakov in LED-profilnih luči. LED trak se lahko uporablja kot vir svetlobe za notranjo in zunanjo dekoracijo ter arhitekturno razsvetljavo. LED profilna luč se lahko uporablja kot vir osvetlitve za maloprodajne vitrine, reklamne table, pohištvo itd.

Aluminum Channel has excellent mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, anti-aging properties and electrical conductivity. It is one of the most widely used materials in industry today because it has so many applications and uses; such as building construction, transportation infrastructure, machine manufacturing, electronics industry etc. Our production process is based on a highly automated system with high-quality products. We have strict quality control system to ensure each product meets customer's requirements

Waterproof LED channel structure

Vodotesen LED kanal

Prikaz vseh 4 rezultatov