led alüminyum profil üreticisi

LED Şerit Işıklar

12V VS 24V LED Şerit Işığı-Hangisi en iyisi?

LED ışık şeritleri artık evlerimizin birçok yerinde bulunuyor. Buzdolaplarından dolap altı aydınlatmaya kadar, evlerimizde tam bir ankastre armatürün mümkün olmadığı veya gerekli olmadığı alanları bu şekilde aydınlatıyoruz. Ancak dışarı çıkıp eviniz için bir sonraki LED şerit ışığınızı satın almadan önce, LED şeritler için en popüler iki voltaj arasındaki farkları bilmek iyi bir fikirdir: 12VDC ve 24VDC. Bu, belirli projeniz için doğru LED şerit ışığını almanızı sağlayacaktır.

KayTai, profesyonel bir led şerit ışık fabrikasıdır. Doğru güç kaynağını seçtiğiniz sürece 12VDC LED şerit ile 24VDC LED şerit arasındaki fark çok büyük değildir.

If you need a shorter cut length, we recommend choosing a 12VDC LED strip. For the LED strip with the same LED quantity, the cut length of the 12VDC LED strip is half of that of the 24V LED strip. This gives you more flexibility to cut the LED strip to the length you want.

If you need a longer linear run and higher luminous efficiency, we recommend choosing 24VDC LED strips.

Following article we will let you know more about led strip lights.

12VDC LED strip with shorter cut length

Most individuals LED chips to run on 3VDC power regardless of whether they are mounted on a 12V strip or a 24V strip. In fact, the same LED chip that works on a 12V strip could also be mounted on a 24V strip. What makes the difference is how the strip circuitry is designed.KayTai offers professional DC12V led strip lights.

LED Strips are wired in groups of LEDs. The size of the
group depends on the voltage of the strip. A 12V strip has 3 LEDs, and a 24V strip has 6 LEDs or 7 LEDs, even up to 8 LEDs. The cut lines are located between the groups. Therefore, the smaller each group of LEDs, the closer together the cut lines can be.

For example, see the diagrams of 12V and 24V strips below:


A lower voltage 12VDC strip with closer cut lines may be good if your installation has many corners with short lengths. This can help to minimize the “dark” zone at the corners.

To get the advantage of the Long Run of the 24VDC LED strip and the shorter cutting length of the 5VDC LED strip, we have developed Mini Cutting LED Strip, 1 LED per cut at 24VDC.

12V LED strip has a wider range of application scenarios

Öte yandan, 12 VDC ortak bir voltajdır, bu nedenle LED şerit uyumluluğu, ek güç kaynaklarına olan ihtiyacı ortadan kaldırabilir. Örneğin, bir araca ışık takıyorsanız, 12 VDC LED şerit ışık genellikle mevcut elektrik sistemine doğrudan bağlanabilir. Bunun kesinlikle istisnaları olsa ve satın almadan önce mevcut sisteminizi kontrol etmeniz önemli olsa da, 12V LED şeritler birçok durumda daha uygun bir kurulum çözümü sunabilir.

LED light in room

24V LED şerit, daha uzun doğrusal çalışma

Daha yüksek voltajlı bir şerit, genellikle voltaj düşüşünün etkilerinden muzdarip olmadan daha uzun süre çalışabilir. KayTai, profesyonel 24V DC led şerit ışıklar sunar.

gerilim düşümü nedir?

Voltaj düşüşü, LED şeritlerin uzadıkça yoğunluğunu kaybetmesine neden olur. Şeridin başlangıcındaki (güç kaynağına en yakın) LED'ler parlak bir şekilde parlayacaktır. Tersine, şeridin sonundaki LED'ler soluk bir görünüme sahip olacaktır.

Voltaj düşüşü neden olur?

Herhangi bir uzunluktaki telin belirli bir elektrik direnci vardır. Tel ne kadar uzunsa direnç o kadar fazladır. Elektrik direnci voltaj düşüşüne neden olur ve voltaj düşüşü LED'lerinizin sönmesine neden olur.
Bu nedenle, bir şeridin sonundaki LED'ler her zaman başlangıçtakilerden daha az voltaj alacaktır. Şeridi yeterince uzun yaparsanız, voltaj düşüşü, parlaklıkta gözle görülür bir farka neden olacak kadar önemli olacaktır.

Daha yüksek voltaj, voltaj düşüşünün etkilerini nasıl azaltır?

First, you have to understand how all the components on an LED strip are connected.

Most individuals LED chips to run on 3V DC power regardless of whether they are mounted on a 12V strip or a 24V strip. In fact, the same LED chip that works on a 12V strip could also be mounted on a 24V strip. What makes the difference is how the strip circuitry is designed.

LED chips are wired in series into groups. Each group contains some LED chips and a resistor. The total voltage drop across the group has to be equal to the total voltage of the strip (see diagrams below).

12V-24V-diagrams-1-1024x420 (1)

Then, each group is wired in parallel and arranged along the length of the strip.

For now, take notice (above diagrams) that the group size on a 24V strip is 7 LEDs compared to only 3 LEDs for 12V. I will explain why this is significant below.

Every wire has a certain amount of resistance to electricity being pushed through it. The longer the wire gets, the bigger the resistance (and the voltage drop) gets. Eventually, it gets large enough to impact the LED brightness. Below is an example of how it might happen on a 12V strip.

12V diagram 1024x392 1 1
Notice in the above diagram that the voltage across the LEDs has dropped from 3.0V to 2.75V.

When we switch to 24V, two things happen that reduce the voltage drop.

When the voltage gets doubled (12V to 24V), the current is halved (Ohm’s law P=U * I). That causes the voltage drop from the long wire to be reduced by half as well. So instead of a 1V drop, it becomes 0.5V drop.

The effect of the 0.5V drop is split between the eight remaining circuit components (compared to 4 on the 12V).

Notice here that the voltage across the LEDs has only dropped to 2.9375V compared to 2.75V with the 12V strip.
If you have an application that requires long runs of strips, it may be a good idea to use 24V strips. But, even 24V strips have a limit. You may have to use other techniques to stop your LEDs from fading at the end. For example, use our Super Long Constant Current LED Strips.

24V LED strip can be higher efficiency

Higher voltage can be more efficient.

Any time there is the voltage across a resistor, it means energy is getting converted to heat instead of light. Therefore, the resistors in the above diagrams are necessary, but they’re also a source of wasted energy.

Total voltage of strip Voltage across resistor % Power “wasted” on resistors
5V (1 LED Per Group) 2V 40%
12V (3 LEDs Per Group) 3V 25%
24V (7 LEDs Per Group) 3V 12.50%

It’s easy to see that higher voltage strips suffer from less wasted energy. LEDs use such a small amount of energy that this doesn’t add up to much for small installations. But, the difference in power usage can become significant for the whole room or commercial installations.

We have developed high-efficiency LED strips, 8 LEDs per cut, up to 190LM/w.

This is the same principle as high-voltage power transmission. The higher the voltage, the smaller the current. According to Ohm’s law, the voltage drop Vdrop=I * R, the electrical energy converted to heat P=U * I = (I * R) * I = I 2 * R.

24V LED strip requires less conductor gauge

Electrical power is determined by the equation P = V * I. To maintain the same power (P), if voltage (V) goes up, current (I) must come down by a proportional amount.

If we keep 48W as our target output as a concrete example, a 12V system will require 4 Amps (12V x 4A = 48W), while a 24V system will only require 2 Amps (24V x 2A = 48W).

Simply put, a 24V LED system will draw half the amount of current as a 12V LED system to achieve the same power level.

Why is this important?

Total current, rather than voltage, determines the thickness and width of copper conductors needed to transfer power safely.

If excessive amounts of current are forced through a small or narrow copper conductor, resistance inside the conductor will become significant and contribute to voltage drop and heat generation. In very extreme cases, this can even lead to electrical fires.

All else equal, a 24V LED system can get away with half of the electrical conductor requirements. You can use the voltage drop calculator to ensure you are still using sufficient conductor gauges for your LED strip projects.

Smaller power supplies for 24V LED strip

Like conductor size, power supply size is also determined primarily by current rather than voltage. Part of this is also influenced by the physics relationship between electrical current and conductor size needs, as much of a power supply unit’s internal wiring comprises copper wiring.

Power supply size can be important when working with projects such as LED strip lights in under cabinet installations where there may be space constraints.


Given the information from these 12V vs 24V LED light strips comparisons, we can see that both of them have their own merits to count on. If you are going to use it inside your room, you may have better results with 12V lighting strips; if you are willing to invest more money for more power, then you may go for 24V lighting strips. It all comes down to your individual needs and financial status.

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